First Communion invitations

First Communion invitations

Gather loved ones to celebrate the first time your child receives the Eucharist with First Communion online invitations. Track RSVPs and send your way—via email, text message, or shareable link.

Gather your family together to celebrate your child joining an even bigger family—your congregation. Invite your loved ones and godparents to join with our online First Communion invitations.

Since they’ll be busy with catechism lessons, give your little one a head start on the ceremony with customizable First Holy Communion Cards as lovely as their christening gown. Our First Communion invitation templates are perfect for the occasion—spring flowers, religious symbols for every tradition, and elegantly simple typographic designs. No matter what motif you choose, your invitation will make a nostalgically beautiful beginning to your child’s next big step to adulthood.

Our online design tool will let you customize your communion invitation’s message and colors -- personalize every important detail. A photo invitation lets you incorporate a particularly sweet portrait (current or infant-era) of your new parishioner. Once you’ve finalized your design, make sure that every important family member is accounted for. We doubt that your kid has been updating their address book, so use your own e-mail contacts or draw from previous invitations you’ve sent—like the baptism or past birthdays. You’ll be able to track who’s opened, who’s received, and who’s RSVPed—and do feel free to send an online reminder to any of those groups of potential invitees. We make it easy and discreet to keep in touch on-the-go.

Your child’s First Holy Communion marks the beginning of their other social responsibilities, so don't forget to send First Communion thank you cards. Introduce them to the virtues of the well-written note with some of our online personal stationery—perfect for all their most important communications. If you are expecting a new addition to the family, check out our christening and baptism invitations to celebrate the special occasion.