Wedding invitations

Customizable online wedding invitations from Oscar de la Renta, Rifle Paper Co., kate spade new york, and more. Make a custom URL, add Photo Gallery and Registry Blocks, and track RSVPs. Printed invites available via Paper Source.

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Wedding invitation templates

Make wedding planning simple with beautiful and customizable online wedding invitation templates. Choose from hundreds of wedding invitation templates to match the theme of your big day, whether your event is formal, casual, classic, or something a little unusual. Our premium and affordable wedding invitations mean you never have to settle for an invitation design that doesn't reflect your personal style or budget.

Designer wedding invitation styles

In addition to designing online wedding invitations in-house, we partner with the very best lifestyle and fashion brands to make custom online templates that help you make bold design choices that suit your style. These designer collections offer distinctive points of view, featuring Oscar de la Renta's signature laces, kate spade new york's playful phrases, Rifle Paper Co.'s hand-painted botanicals, or Mr. Boddington’s Studio's quirky illustrations. While the traditionalist might opt for the timeless invitation designs of Crane & Co., the modern couple may prefer the raw and refined textures of Kelly Wearstler. There’s something for every mood. Classic wedding designs suit traditionalists, lush and romantic invitations suit the lovestruck, and our more rustic wedding invitations designs are the perfect match for country dwellers and city slickers alike. No matter the wedding style you choose to have, we’ve got the perfect online wedding invitations to match.

Wedding invitations with RSVP

With our tools, making the perfect wedding invitation has never been easier. After you've found the right design, use our online invitation maker to customize the text, fonts, envelope, and color palette with your own style and wording. We have photo wedding invitations if you'd like to upload your own image, and a wide variety of custom invitations to suit any vibe. From romantic to modern invitations, you can customize our best online invitations to perfectly match your wedding theme.

When you're ready to send your wedding invite, create a guest list based on your previous Paperless Post sends, or add new guests with their email addresses. All of our wedding invitations include RSVP tracking functionality, so collecting RSVPs is easy and painless. Plus, with our follow-up tools, you can effortlessly communicate with guests, from reminder emails to week-up updates. After the "I dos" have been said and rings exchanged, collect and share photos from the event in a wedding thank you card, so your guests always remember your special day.

When do you send out online wedding invitations?

Wedding planning is filled with deadlines to meet before your big day, but the most important is when to send out your wedding invitations. Every wedding timeline is unique, but for most weddings, couples send out their wedding invitations eight to ten weeks before the wedding day. If you're planning a destination wedding or a celebration requiring significant travel from your guests, consider sending your invitations 12 to 14 weeks in advance. This might seem like a long time, but most guests don't start thinking seriously about the ceremony until they receive the invitation. So, make it official and invite them early.

Don't worry if time has eluded you. We can help you make up for a few (or more) lost days. That's the beauty of sending online wedding invites—time is on your side. Online wedding invitation delivery takes mere minutes to complete after you’ve completed your invitation design. So no matter the date, your guests will know about your big day instantly.

How to address online wedding invitations

Figuring out how to word online wedding invitations can be difficult. But addressing a Paperless Post invitation is only slightly different than addressing printed wedding stationery. We suggest you use the email and the envelope to make it clear who's invited, especially if you're sending an invitation to a household with multiple guests. Include the guests' titles and last names. Traditionally, the man's name precedes the woman's, but that rule is fine to break (and even encouraged!) nowadays. The only exception is with a Dr. title—they will always be listed first.

When to order your printed wedding invitations

Looking for printed wedding stationery or printable wedding invitations? If you're ordering printed invitations through our exclusive print partner, Paper Source, we suggest ordering 1 to 2 months in advance of your send date. You'll need time to assemble your paper invitations, inserts, and other paper goods like envelopes and liners, and, if you're hiring a calligrapher, they'll need time to work their magic (allow roughly 2 weeks for 100 envelopes). If you'd prefer to leave the writing in our hands, order your envelopes pre-addressed to save time. Once your invitations are ready for the mailbox, budget a little time for a post office visit, too. Many wedding envelopes require more than a Forever stamp to deliver, depending on how many inserts you've included, so having them weighed will spare you any return-to-sender nightmares. You can see all our printable invitation templates here.

Need help with our invitation maker? Our support team is always here to help.